Friday, February 4, 2011

3 pairs of jeans...

So this blog started with a pair of jeans. A pair of jeans that I purchased and wore 4 1/2 years ago before I moved to Mississippi, and before I had kid #2 and #3. Well, it turns out I own 3 pairs of jeans like this pair...

I promise to blog more frequently, but it has been about 3 weeks, and I have shed 15 pounds. How? Weight Watchers mostly... I am counting points - and making better choices. And my co-workers for the most part have been AMAZING.

So, progress with the jeans... I am fitting into 2 of the 3 pairs of jeans that have been collecting dust in my closet. Now, this final pair is going to take some work, and possibly another 15 pounds. But, hitting that 15 pound mark was AMAZING! Every time I hit a rough patch, or think I just can't do this anymore, I hit another milestone. I feel better, and I enjoy finding alternatives to cooking the things I love! Hungry Girl has been a savior to this process. And my friend, Samantha (who just had my Goddaughter, Astrid 7 weeks ago) is along for the journey and enjoying it too!

I will conquer this last pair of jeans if it is ALL that I do. I want to lose another 20 pounds, and I will be at my goal weight. But for now, we are going 5 pounds at a time. When I hit Disneyworld this summer - I wanna rock some cute jean shorts! (And I will) As soon as this 20 - 30 degree weather decides to leave, me and the outdoors are going to become BFF'S! Until next time, which will be sooner than later...

SIDENOTE: Samantha ordered Vitatops which are only 1 point per tasty treat and I am EXCITED!!! <3


  1. Congratulations! 15 pounds is huge! That's three flour packages!!!

  2. Good luck Cat! 15 lbs is fabulous!! Can't wait to read about when you get into that pesky pair of jeans!! :)

  3. VITA TOPS ARE SO GOOD!!!! I love them! They were my dieting go to snack when I was dieting and I just needed something chocolate. And the bran ones are GREAT for breakfast. I love Weight Watchers! That is my favorite way to get healthy. I can't wait to join back up once my little boy has been born!!

  4. Thanks Ladies! I need all the encouragement!
